Sunny Sunday Super Fish

Sunrise sweden

Last week I wrote about a snail with an iron-plated shell that lives around deep-sea hydrothermal vents, where the water tops 750 degrees F and toxic chemicals swirl. They’re about as close to hell as you can get on Earth. But down in Antarctica, there’s a polar-opposite (yeesh) ecosystem of brutally low temperatures, damn near 28.4 degrees F—the freezing point of seawater.

Yet even there, life flourishes. And one group of fishes, the notothenioids, swims in those frigid waters nearly carefree, thanks to very special blood loaded with antifreeze. Some of these fish have even done away with oxygen-carrying red blood cells altogether, adopting thin, crystal-clear blood that doesn’t get as viscous as the temperatures drop. These fishes are tougher than you. So much tougher than you.


About Den

Always in search of interesting things to post. Armed with knowledge and dangerous with the ladies.
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10 Responses to Sunny Sunday Super Fish

  1. David B. Benson says:

    I think its cold @ 40° F.


  2. David B. Benson says:

    Congress Inc @ The Nation.


  3. David B. Benson says:

    Mufon case 61787 has some fine pix.


  4. º¿carol says:

    Didn’t go to the Red Cedar Grill, Doc. Too expensive, plus my daughter doesn’t like it. We went to The Bucket. It was very good! Bar food, but good bar food. Plus they had Mexican so I had enchiladas. The beans and rice were the best I’ve had in years and years.

    Jill and I had two Margaritas each. I had a lateral thinking puzzle ready for them, it was a tough one. Plus a name game where we could go around the table, everyone coming up with something, everyone engaged that way and we had quite a few laughs.

    Came home, watched a movie and an episode of “True Blood” and here I am!


  5. º¿carol says:

    Some of these fish have even done away with oxygen-carrying red blood cells altogether, adopting thin, crystal-clear blood that doesn’t get as viscous as the temperatures drop.

    See? And repukes are teaching the ignorant that there’s no such thing as evolution.


  6. David B. Benson says:

    Venus and what I take to be Mars and Uranus. The Moon is well above all three.


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