FRIDAY funneez


About Den

Always in search of interesting things to post. Armed with knowledge and dangerous with the ladies.
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10 Responses to FRIDAY funneez

  1. Den says:

    A good hard rain this AM, not quite cats and dogs, however substantial.


  2. David B. Benson says:

    Den — Your workbenches wouldn’t just go in the door of the shed? So did you take off a wall and put it back on?


    • Den says:

      They did go through the door, upper wall cabinet had to be manipulated into place using a strong back and a bumper jack. That is considered among the greatest feats of strength in most circles. Bottom cabinet was easily 200 pounds, the bottom cabinet, top was 75, upper cabinet about 85 pounds.

      I still have to bring in the hardware bench, about 125 pounds, re-mount the drawers there and lower the bottom platform, basically rebuild it to fit with my Book cabinet, then load it all. My Left ankle really puts up a fuss after a while, little or no cartilage left there.


  3. David B. Benson says:

    Today is Earth Day and the last day of classes at WSU. Tomorrow is Shakespeare Day. Yesterday was the Queen’s birthday.


  4. David B. Benson says:

    Same route in 46 minutes. A hawk catching a thermal. Butterflies. Nice out.


  5. David B. Benson says:

    @ the Hillside Cafe for a chickpea concoction dinner after Regan Siglin’s awesome piano recital. She is as fine as the best. Among other works she played “The Tempest” by Beethoven. Precisely then a thunder shower could be heard even in the concert hall, adding accompaniment to the performance.


  6. Den says:

    Drip, drip, drip, leftovers from the earlier dousing, calm now, no wind.


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