Saturday Clicking


This page has a bunch of links to humorous stuff on the dunderhead crew led by rich boy.

Just go here

And if that did not tickle your funny bone maybe this guy will: Stephen Colbert

About Den

Always in search of interesting things to post. Armed with knowledge and dangerous with the ladies.
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22 Responses to Saturday Clicking

  1. Den says:

    T-Mobile has WiFi hotspots. they act like a modem for internet.


    • º¿carol says:

      I’m pretty sure there isn’t anything for us out here, only what we’ve got. Or Frontier (landline company) would give it to us but with a 5 gig limit.


  2. Den says:

    I can hear Krugman’s knees clattering way out here.


  3. jimhitchcock says:

    John Waters on The Donald’s ducktail:

    “It looks like Johnnie Depp in Crybaby hooked up with Bob’s Big Boy”


  4. David B. Benson says:

    Is that Micki standing on the freeway?
    Orange windbreaker?


  5. º¿carol says:

    Same weather here today, had some sun again.

    Bob just banged his hand on something, tore a big wad of skin off the top of his hand. Had to put my nurse’s cap on. Poor guy. His old man skin is very thin on his hands and arms, he can’t bump them on anything w/o it being a catastrophe.

    Read the most depressing article of them all today. Posted it in my news feed, saying “we’re doomed.” I’m not supposed to say that anymore but I had no choice.


  6. David B. Benson says:

    The algorithms run everything:
    Are you ready for this?


  7. Den says:

    The new Trump D.C. Casino


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