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About Den

Always in search of interesting things to post. Armed with knowledge and dangerous with the ladies.
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7 Responses to FRiDAy FUnNEez

  1. Den says:

    If you like ice fishing but are afraid of thin ice this is the perfect solution:


  2. David B. Benson says:

    Little bit of snow all melted.


  3. David B. Benson says:

    Just 13 minutes to Kimbrough Hall for a short percussion concert, then 3 minutes back down to the Hillside Cafe for another salmon dinner.


    • David B. Benson says:

      Then 4 minutes up to Bryan Hall for the faculty vocal concert and just 12 minutes hurrying down home. Daily total is 32 minutes.

      Day 6: 244+32=276 minutes.


  4. Carol ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ says:

    Nothing much to report, or comment on. Cleaned the john today, Carolized two kitchen cupboards, went to the library, gassed up and washed the car. Had to call AAA again with two different issues. I hate having to talk to people about business. ALWAYS Bob’s job to talk to insurance companies. *sigh* While I hate having this new job, I’m adjusting. I’ve made the calls and resolved all issues.

    The new external hard drive I bought yesterday doesn’t work with my XP computer. Have to either reformat the WD drive, or take it back. I’m for taking it back and ordering a Seagate that works on XP, will accept my USB 2.0 port and I can drag and drop. *another sigh* Now I have to accomplish those two goals.

    Now I’ll turn to my XP and work on the video I’m making for Brian and Jill.


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