Wake Up It’s Sunday!


LONG-DEAD NASA SPACECRAFT WAKES UP: Amateur astronomer Scott Tilley has a hobby: He hunts spy satellites. Using an S-band radio antenna in Roberts Creek, British Columbia, he regularly scans the skies for radio signals from classified objects orbiting Earth. Since he started 5 years ago, Tilley has bagged dozens of secret or unlisted satellites. “It’s a lot of fun,” he confesses.

Earlier this month, Tilley was hunting for Zuma–a secretive United States government satellite lost in a launch mishap on Jan. 8th–when a J-shaped curve appeared on his computer screen. “It was the signature of a lost satellite,” he says, “but it was not Zuma.”

In a stroke of good luck that has dizzied space scientists, Tilley found IMAGE, a NASA spacecraft that “died” more than 10 years ago.

An artist’s concept of IMAGE flying over Earth’s north pole.


About Den

Always in search of interesting things to post. Armed with knowledge and dangerous with the ladies.
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12 Responses to Wake Up It’s Sunday!

  1. Micki says:

    Just to get your day off with a GOOD LAUGH!


  2. Den says:

    Time for the bi-annual episode of, Redneck Lumberjackasses @ Work, starring mostly morons creating havoc in their neighborhoods, some look like painful lessons:


  3. David B. Benson says:

    A slow 26 minutes to the Old Post Office. Brazilian seafood stew again.


  4. David B. Benson says:

    “Trumpocracy” by David Frumm, review in today’s TNYT.


  5. Den says:

    Trump, Trump,Trump, Trump,Trump, Trump,Trump, Trump,Trump, Trump,Trump, Trump, 24-7.

    Time for Geralds’ bucket!


    • §º¿º§ Carol says:

      He dominates the news, and his bullshit dominates, immigration, is he a crook and the media goes along, it’s almost impossible not to, while major problems and things that need to be addresses NOW are ignored. Someone needs to be hammering on our actual problems, like health care, infrastructure, the damage Trump’s termites loose in our government are doing. All of that is being ignored while we wonder about the nonsense that comes out of Trump’s mouth.


  6. Micki says:

    Crooked trees in POLAND…


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