FRIday funnEEZ



Make Armageddon Great Again – Mark Fiore

About Den

Always in search of interesting things to post. Armed with knowledge and dangerous with the ladies.
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9 Responses to FRIday funnEEZ

  1. Micki says:

    Hey Den!

    Congratulations on finding a new home! Lovelock, Nevada! Looked it up…small town…keep us posted on progress!

    Yay, for YOU!


  2. Micki says:

    I’m off to the San Juan Islands…a family & friends reunion. Thunder storm this morning! What?!?!


  3. Carol says:

    Congratulations, Den. The hunt is over, but your poor back. 😦 This is no time for that. Have people help you.


  4. Carol says:

    Den, I looked at pictures of your new town. They have a set up in town where people hang..locks. You’ll have to add one of your own once you’re settled.


  5. Carol says:

    Bon voyage, Micki.. Hope you have a GREAT time.


  6. Den says:

    My robo-baby seems to be having issues:


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