Cosmic Sunday

About Den

Always in search of interesting things to post. Armed with knowledge and dangerous with the ladies.
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16 Responses to Cosmic Sunday

  1. David B. Benson says:

    Not exactly up close.


  2. David B. Benson says:

    @ the Nuevo Vallarta for the usual via a new stick walk route: up Valley Road to a left turn onto Brandi Way and thence Terre View Blvd; left again to the west to Missouri Flat Creek and south along the Grand Avenue Greenway.

    To my surprise, this took but 45 minutes. Assuming my usual 2.4+ mph that is but 1.8+ miles. Seems longer so maybe I was fast today.


  3. º¿carol says:


    I rolled the door down, cretin time approaching, must take preventative measures, fwy 1 block away. Impoverished roamers infiltrate the local surroundings looking for quarters, this economy sux!

    It’s dangerous where you live in that pole barn? 😦


  4. º¿carol says:

    The mosquito population is still down. That piece of me that is an environmentalist wasn’t happy having the Mayor Ranch sprayed. I was out there tonight, very few mosquitoes no matter where I wandered. This was the end of Day 2. There were lots of fireflies, good sign. They survived, or new ones moved in.

    Lots of insects had to lose their lives but it’s a dog eat dog world. I had to force Mother Nature back a few feet.


  5. Den says:

    Went for a ride up my usual road and going around one corner a cow stepped out into the road, (bovine interference), I bounced off the thing but the hand guard over my brake lever bent over and locked my front brake whilst smashing my fingers between the aforementioned brake lever and the handlebar, OUCH! Stupid cow, bent my turn signal too. I wasn’t going very fast so I did not fall down.
    That rancher owes me a steak from that critter! Grrr


  6. º¿carol says:

    I don’t know how I gardened for 50 years and didn’t know that baking soda kills weeds. I mean, WTF? How did I NOT know that? My driveway is turning green, asked my power washer guys about their hot water sprayer, heats up to 212. Spray that and the weeds would die, but they’ll probably come back.

    My daughter-in-law told me about the baking soda so I did a test strip on the driveway stone by my grass, grass creeping out and growing out of the stone.

    IT KILLED IT! And in record time, beat pouring boiling water on them. I’m going to use my sifter that I use for sifting Gold Medal flour and sift the baking soda over spots on the drive. This is so exciting! About to reclaim my driveway, that was just freshly graded.


  7. David B. Benson says:

    Den, I hope you will take it up with the farmer.


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