FRYDAY phunneeZ


Nothing to See Here – Mark Fiore

About Den

Always in search of interesting things to post. Armed with knowledge and dangerous with the ladies.
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12 Responses to FRYDAY phunneeZ

  1. Micki says:

    …just thought I’d share this blog post I was invited to write at the invitation of — Institute for Improvement to Healthcare.

    IHI asked if I’d write an article about my experiences as a community advocate promoting merits of Advance Care Planning — successes, ideas, frustrations, obstacles.

    I prefer to focus on the positive, but I’ll say here — the OBSTACLES created by *some* people at PeaceHealth Medical Group are frustrating beyond comprehension! Those creating the obstacles are non-medical — they are MBA types, with a bottomline orientation, who don’t have a creative, forward thinking bone in their collective bodies! Argh!!!!!

    Anyway, here it is:


  2. Den says:

    I will coin a new word here today; Clogbots

    Clogbots are people that get in the way constantly, left lane entitled with no interest in forward progress. I see more and more every day, Idiocracy is upon us.


  3. David B. Benson says:

    Just 14 minutes up the deserted streets to the almost empty Hillside Cafe.

    The battery has been behaving itself today.


    • David B. Benson says:

      Up to Bryan Hall but nobody there; the same in Kimbrough; advertised schedule wrong. But a chance to chat with Garrett and Carol.

      Day 6: 166+35=201 minutes.


  4. Den says:

    Oui R Skrood


  5. Den says:

    Coming to a neighborhood near you; Banana Boy!


  6. Den says:

    OK I gotta bitch. I came home today to a malfunctioning computer that has taken me 6 fucking hours to get back to normal working order.

    My desktop was devoid of icons, it would not shut down with the switch or a command requiring battery removal to get un-stuck. Then after having to do a System Restore, I found I could not access Chrome no matter what I did, Firefox yes, Chrome no. So I then proceeded to reinstall Chrome, yea it installed alright, devoid all, and I do mean ALL of my settings.

    After much Googling I managed to locate a cure although sans my M&M theme backround, I have not tried to find out what else got left out of the restore pile, I’ll wait till morning to deal with that frustration, my brain is toast.


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