Severe Saturday Reading


Words can be discombobulating, especially when people twist them to fit concepts that mean the exact opposite of what you think is being said.

Consider the current debate in Washington over the Trans-Pacific Partnership — a controversial trade and investment pact between the United States and nearly a dozen Pacific Rim countries.

This secretly negotiated deal is the exact opposite of a “liberal” reform. It hands a major portion of our people’s democratic sovereignty to giant multinational corporations.

Yet, lawmakers and pundits fronting for the corporations have disingenuously dubbed this a “liberalization” of global policies.

I was born at night, but it wasn’t last night.

Jim Hightower @ Otherwords

About Den

Always in search of interesting things to post. Armed with knowledge and dangerous with the ladies.
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14 Responses to Severe Saturday Reading

  1. Den says:

    I never liked Georgia anyway since I spent 4 years in Newt’s district:


  2. David B. Benson says:

    TPP bad neuz.


  3. David B. Benson says:

    Clear skies today.

    $95 million of apples dumped in Washington state.


  4. º¿carol says:

    The TPP is chock full of horrible shocks. I didn’t read about the pharmaceuticals before, but holy shit! Anyone who has health insurance in this country is only allowed to have generic drugs. That’s what I’ve noticed. If it’s not generic, the price goes WAY up as in your co-pay. Rich people can get whatever drug they want, the rest of us, nope.


    • Den says:

      And to make things worse, most Generics come from offshore locations like China, India, and Mexico, some work, some don’t.


  5. David B. Benson says:

    Den — How is the truck coming along?


    • Den says:

      I got new hood hinges because the old ones were worn flat out, that hood must have been open an closed profusely, got new taillight lenses to replace the faded old ones, not installed until after paint tho, cleaned the engine compartment today since the hood was off, looks better now, years of crud buildup, probably blew in from all that hood action. Still waiting for the 2 replacement wheels, the factory back in Iowa is some sort of screwed up, lucky me.


  6. David B. Benson says:

    More thunder.


  7. Den says:

    llamas said I.


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