Volcanic Sunday

VOLCANIC GAS CIRCUMNAVIGATES THE GLOBE: Last month, on April 22nd, Chile’s Calbuco volcano erupted, blowing plumes of ash and sulfurous gas more than 50,000 feet high. Since then, the swirling plumes have spread around the southern hemisphere–traveling eastward from South America to southern Africa to Australia/New Zealand. Just a few days ago, the plumes completed the circle.

“We are seeing volcanic sunsets again in Rio,” reports Brazilian photographer Helio de Carvalho Vital, who took this picture on May 17th:

Back in April, Vital was among the first to notice colorful sunsets in the immediate aftermath of Calbuco. “I spotted the first effects of the volcano on April 24 and monitored the bulk of the plume on April 26, 27 and 28 as it was heading east. Colorful sunsets were visible from Rio for a week after that.”

A primary color of volcanic sunsets is purple: Fine volcanic aerosols in the stratosphere scatter blue light which, when mixed with ordinary sunset red, produces a violet hue. Purple isn’t the only color, though. Volcanic sunsets can also include a bright yellow twilight arch and long diffuse rays and shadows.


About Den

Always in search of interesting things to post. Armed with knowledge and dangerous with the ladies.
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15 Responses to Volcanic Sunday

  1. º¿carol says:

    The guy in town with the computer shop, got to talk to him when I picked up my XP computer. Holy moly! Quite the talker and on the wrong side of EVERYthing.

    The list is as long as my arm of crazy things he believes, like ‘they’ send airplane up to release chemicals on us. Why, I asked? Why would rich people, or whoever is doing that, want to drop chemicals on their own heads? What kind of chemicals, what are they for. He had no answers.

    He said lots of stuff about the “Illuminati” that runs everything. When I told him humans are too stupid to pull anything over on the world at large, that someone would talk, and that frankly I’m surprised stupid humans haven’t already let loose with the nuclear weapons. He said that’s because when it gets close to that, the mysterious Illuminati stops them. *scratching head*

    That cop that shop 8 times at the black guy running from hit, his the guy with 5 bullets and killed him, walked over to handcuff the dead body and sneakily drop his taser next to him…..the computer guy asked if I saw the rest of the video, the beginning where the dead guy supposedly grabbed the cops taser and tased the cop. Um, no, didn’t see THAT video. Not anywhere I saw the video.

    Our votes don’t count, which I say all the time, but to him they REALLY don’t count, like the mystery of how Obama got elected. He doesn’t know one person that voted for him. I told him I didn’t know anyone who didn’t vote for him, lol.

    Brother, it was really hard for me to try not to look too stupefied, or to get a look on my face telling him what I think. I have a glass face though, I could never play serious poker.

    In the end, I thanked him for the computer told him I really enjoyed talking to him. I hope we never talk again though! Ugh.


  2. Den says:

    “Humans emit 100 times more CO2 than volcanoes.” Found HERE along with some other interesting reading about climate change.


  3. David B. Benson says:

    Sunny Sunday here. Hasn’t been a volcano since 1980.


  4. Den says:

    Attention DWF watchers, there has been a shift in the ‘time-space continuum, do not be alarmed, act normal.
    My comment from 9:44AM did not post until after 3:00, that’s weird ok.

    Perhaps the W/P gurus lost their minds, again.


  5. David B. Benson says:

    First rose of summer.

    Now @ the Cougar County Drive In.


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