Wikileaks Wednesday


Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has said his organisation is preparing to publish more emails Hillary Clinton sent and received while US secretary of state.

Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, is under FBI investigation to determine whether she broke federal law by using her private email in sending classified information. A new WikiLeaks release of Clinton emails is likely to fan a controversy that has bedevilled her campaign and provide further ammunition for Donald Trump, her Republican presidential rival, who has used the issue to attack her.

Assange’s comments came in an interview on ITV’s Peston on Sunday. “We have upcoming leaks in relation to Hillary Clinton … We have emails pending publication, that is correct,” Assange said.He did not specify when or how many emails would be published.


About Den

Always in search of interesting things to post. Armed with knowledge and dangerous with the ladies.
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12 Responses to Wikileaks Wednesday

  1. Den says:

    And you wonder why Bernie is hanging in there?
    Ole Hill might be on the ropes and on the verge of a knockout.

    Trump is a Nazi asshole that cannot be left unopposed.


  2. Den says:

    This really bugs me…


  3. David B. Benson says:

    Took 24 minutes to the Black Cypress. Best food here but pricey.


    • David B. Benson says:

      Total of 39 minutes after continuing to Sloan via the p. stairs.

      Day 4: 162+39=201 minutes.


  4. Den says:

    Cat Burglar Getaway…


  5. º¿carol says:

    The days got away from me once again. Just went back thru the past couple days, Den, the Orlando shooter wasn’t an Isis guy. Just another American nut. I signed a couple petitions to get rid of assault rifles. Those weapons need to be curtailed, LONG past time to do that but it still needs to be done.


  6. º¿carol says:

    “After Brandi Way and proceeding west along Terre View Drive I came to the potential short cut down the hill to about the old switch and siding remnant on the railroad track. The first part was easy; down a switch back track. Eventually I made it through the 5+ foot grass, over an old fashioned link fence with the aid of 2 trees, through even denser grass with hidden ditches and up to the railroad track. Then home after a well exercised 65 minutes to count the scratches on the back of my hands. The total is 10.

    Doc, I loved reading your off-the-beaten-track story. You made it through 5+ foot grass, over an old-fashioned link fence…then denser grass…etc., quite the adventure!


    • David B. Benson says:

      I was quite releaved when I finally was far enough along to see the ballast of the old railroad track.


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