War Waste Wednesday


The USAF’s KC-46A refuelling tanker programme has been cleared for increased production rates in 2017. Source: Boeing

Here’s a question for you: How do you spell boondoggle?

The answer (in case you didn’t already know): P-e-n-t-a-g-o-n.

Hawks on Capitol Hill and in the US military routinely justify increases in the Defense Department’s already munificent budget by arguing that yet more money is needed to “support the troops.” If you’re already nodding in agreement, let me explain just where a huge chunk of the Pentagon budget — hundreds of billions of dollars — really goes. Keep in mind that it’s your money we’re talking about.

The answer couldn’t be more straightforward: it goes directly to private corporations and much of it is then wasted on useless overhead, fat executive salaries, and startling (yet commonplace) cost overruns on weapons systems and other military hardware that, in the end, won’t even perform as promised. Too often the result is weapons that aren’t needed at prices we can’t afford. If anyone truly wanted to help the troops, loosening the corporate grip on the Pentagon budget would be an excellent place to start.

The numbers are staggering. In fiscal year 2016, the Pentagon issued $304 billion in contract awards to corporations — nearly half of the department’s $600 billion-plus budget for that year. And keep in mind that not all contractors are created equal. According to the Federal Procurement Data System’s top 100 contractors report for 2016, the biggest beneficiaries by a country mile were Lockheed Martin ($36.2 billion), Boeing ($24.3 billion), Raytheon ($12.8 billion), General Dynamics ($12.7 billion), and Northrop Grumman ($10.7 billion). Together, these five firms gobbled up nearly $100 billion of your tax dollars, about one-third of all the Pentagon’s contract awards in 2016.


About Den

Always in search of interesting things to post. Armed with knowledge and dangerous with the ladies.
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15 Responses to War Waste Wednesday

  1. Micki says:

    I’m not going.


    • Den says:

      Smoke is thick as pea soup here today, first time all week, I’m staying indoors, I got groceries earlier before it got bad, now it’s bad.

      I-5 runs right between the worst on both sides of it, a virtual fire gauntlet, so sad for the THOUSANDS that lost their homes, might get worse as more winds expected with gusts to 40 mph today, ugh.


      • Carol ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ says:

        I couldn’t stand it, smelling and breathing in that smoke. I got a taste of that when a big barn burned down a couple years ago. It was maybe 3 miles or a little more down M-52, which I live 500 feet from. It carried all the way here and was awful. I’m sure the wildfires in CA are WAY worse.


  2. David B. Benson says:

    Just 23 minutes to the Old Post Office this mostly overcast Wednesday.


  3. Den says:

    I’m not sure about anyone else but I am suffering from Disaster Overload. 😦


    • Carol ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ says:

      I’m sure we ALL are, starting w/ the ‘disaster’ that Trump is. Hated to use one of his favorite, overused words.


  4. Carol ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ says:

    Furnace this morning to get the chill out. Been cool outside all day, and we’ve had more rain. Now I have too much water in the damn pool. I should have pumped some out today but I didn’t bother. Bob is having a bad day so my mood sucks, screw the pool. Didn’t go for my Beer-30 walk either.


  5. Den says:

    What Candy Corn does when yer not lookin:


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