Looney Rudy Tuesday


OOO! a spider!

This morning on Fox News Sunday, Rudy Giuliani made the curious assertion that Hillary Clinton wasn’t campaigning (I can’t embed the video on dKos, but you can see it here). So host Shannon Bream asked him a darn good question: “Then why is she doing so well in the polls?” He delivered a nearly incoherent response mainly blaming the so-called “liberal” media that “constantly demonizes Donald Trump.” Never mind the recent Harvard study that proved “Clinton had by far the most negative coverage of any candidate.” But Giuliani went off the rails when he ventured into conspiracy theories about Clinton’s health:

“[The media] Fails to point out several signs of illness by her. All you got to do is go online … Go online and put down ‘Hillary Clinton illness’ and take a look at the videos for yourself.”

Is he friggin’ serious? Giuliani’s authoritative approach to clinical diagnoses is to consult – Google? First of all, none of the “doctors” practicing on the Internet have examined, or even met, Clinton. Secondly, the medical opinions you’re likely to encounter online come from such experts as Alex Jones of Infowars, the Drudge Report, Glenn Beck, and of course, Fox News. What brain disease would cause Giuliani to think that Googling “Clinton’s illness” would validate his ludicrous claims?


About Den

Always in search of interesting things to post. Armed with knowledge and dangerous with the ladies.
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17 Responses to Looney Rudy Tuesday

  1. Den says:

    In a time where people are uneducated enough to believe just about any BS presented, Rootin Tootin Rudy fills the void of misinformation with plenty of verbal garbage to fill the thirsty little bumpkin minds.

    Stupidity marches on, collecting empty minds and filling them with mental poo with the help of folks like Rudy.


  2. David B. Benson says:

    Good morning, finally.


  3. David B. Benson says:

    Up to the CUB at the top of the hill to recharge my Cougar card and then back to the Hillside Cafe to use it to buy lunch: 24 minutes. The new management here isn’t doing that well.

    But nice outside with lots of leg on view.


    • David B. Benson says:

      Natasha’s sorority, Alpha Phi, is at the top of the B Street hill. Her beat-up blue VW beetle was parked out in front when I went by. She has had the rear window replaced and the front bent back into almost original shape but the other dings are still there and the left rear has new scratches through the paint. Talk about the myth of the woman driver; Natasha lives the part.


    • º¿carol says:

      You must love the new thing, women of every size and shape wearing tights in public. Leggins, maybe that’s what they’re called. I don’t get out much but when I went to Ann Arbor to a play, I was shocked. Women can be shameless. The tights are so tight their private parts show. With some women, you can see their butt cheeks through their legs when you’re in front of them. Holy moly! Men, being born with a pornographic brain, must love it.


    • David B. Benson says:

      Mostly they wear short shorts.


  4. º¿carol says:

    The powers that be are finally going to fix our road! I went to town to the video store around noon, when I came home and turned the corner onto Carter Rd a small trench had been dug along the asphalt, across our drive. That was fast since I saw they put orange pylons along the road past our house, just this morning.

    We got a letter from the road commission a couple weeks ago, explaining what was going to be done. They have a big machine coming in that chews up the old asphalt and spits it back out on the road, gets spread and they let that sit for about a week, or two, then come by with a couple inches of new asphalt. Hope I can get some pictures of this endeavor. And YAY!!! Our road has been a mess for many years. Too many heavy trucks due to the quarry up our road about 5 miles.


  5. Den says:

    Here, I will set up a sign so no one gets injured in the area.


  6. Den says:

    Time to dream again, zzzzzzzzzzzz


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